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Salt And Pepper Diamond

 Diamonds have remained as an object of interest and mystery for many centuries. In ancient times, they were believed to be protected by divine forces in the form of deadly reptiles like snakes and scorpions. Ancient people also thought that they possessed some kind of super natural power. Hence, they were used as amulets especially during war to stay protected or to keep evil forces at bay and also to beautify in the form of ornaments. After sometime, especially during the medieval period, loose diamonds received more attention due to their rarity and worth rather than for their magic powers. Due to their increased popularity and value, mine owners started spreading rumors that the precious stones were extremely poisonous. This was meant to avert mine workers from smuggling them by swallowing. This was the period during which big sized stones like the 'Blue Hope' and 'Koh-I-Noor' were discovered. salt and pepper diamond.

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