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Coffee cups come in a variety of sizes, usually suited to the type of beverage you are having.

 Coffee cups come in a variety of sizes, usually suited to the type of beverage you are having.

Some coffee chains have their own fancy nicknames for sizes, too(I’m looking at you, Starbucks!). But what are standard coffee cup sizes?

If you really want to boost the coffee experience breville barista express just your regular mugs to authentic coffee servings, read on!

Standard Coffee Cup Sizes Chart

The table below lists the most common sizes for coffee cups:

Coffee cups come in a variety of sizes, usually suited to the type of beverage you are having.

Some coffee chains have their own fancy nicknames for sizes, too(I’m looking at you, Starbucks!). But what are standard coffee cup sizes?

Espresso cup size

Espresso is a very strong preparation and is thus enjoyed in much smaller quantities – so the 2 to 4 oz espresso cup size is more than enough. If you want to be really classy about it, espresso cups are called demitasse cups.

Demitasse cups are actually very important to use when drinking espresso. The smaller size keeps the crema nice and thick, and helps retain heat.

If you pour espresso into a larger cup, the increased surface area will mean the crema will spread out too thin and the drink will lose heat very quickly.

Cappuccino cup size

A 6 oz cup size is ideal for enjoying cappuccinos. Cappuccinos are espresso shots mixed with foamed milk. Since the size of the espresso shot is standard, it’s important to control the amount of milk you use in the cappuccino, otherwise your coffee can get too milky and lose its strength, and end up being a latte.

How many ounces in a standard coffee mug

8 oz cups are awesome standard coffee mug sizes, great for a fresh preparation of your favorite filter coffee or latte. Most standard coffee mugs are indeed 8 to 10 ounces, the best size for enjoying a pot of coffee.

Please note that even though the cup itself is 8 ounces, the average coffee cup size is actually 6 ounces. The cups are usually bigger because you need some space at the top of the cup so it does not spill!

12 ounce cups make for great iced coffee. As it is, you’re going to need a lot of ice, which will take up a lot of volume, so the larger cup can mean you still get a good quantity of coffee!

16 ounce cups are the big leagues, for serious caffeine consumers!

The most common coffee cups, as noted above, are 8 ounces, or 227 ml. To figure out how big your favorite mug is, just fill your mug up with water all the way and tip the water out into a measuring cup.

Why does the size of your cup matter?

The size of your cup is important because it dictates how much coffee you should use to brew it.

If you brew 12 ounces of liquid coffee with just 15 grams of coffee grounds, you’ll get a really weak brew, since 15 ounces is what’s used for the average coffee cup size of 6 ounces.

So to get a proper 12 ounce brew, you’ll need double the coffee.

What’s more, using double the coffee means you’ll be ingesting double the caffeine!

What about milky drinks like cappuccinos? If you order a cappuccino and ask for a large size, you’ll get more milk than coffee, unless you specify that you want a double shot of espresso.

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