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Lip balm, black soap, and bath bombs in Pigeon Forge, TN

 Your lips are skin very similar to the other skin that covers your body. However, this skin is constantly being wet by your tongue, water, food, etc., and dried by each breath you take. So the lips are continuously exposed to many wetting and drying cycles. And lips do not have oil glans to displace the moisture, so that they dry up and may crack quite easily.

If you add the rays of sunlight; you have a burning agent included with the lip balm. Further drying can be due to the additional dry winds of winter. In the event that you smoke, the smoke adds toxins to the lips in addition to the inside of the mouth, lungs etc.

All the above may cause the lips to become dry, cracked, chapped, and/or burned. So many of us find relief in lip balm, especially in the winter. Lip balms replace the natural oil of our skin.

Just what exactly is the better lip balm?

Obviously, this has a subjective answer - that is, it is one that you discover to be best for you. Just what exactly follows is really a smorgasbord of what lip balms may do for you to allow you to create a better choice whenever you purchase your next tube of balm.

Bright Sun

Experience of sunlight could cause dryness and chapping. Lips, like all skin, are susceptible to the sun's ultra violet rays, so they really burn easily. Search for balms containing sunscreen (SPF 15 or above), if you plan to be outdoors in the hot sun for hours. Some balms can sooth and soften the lips and are excellent in replacing lost oil. There are plenty of lip accessories sometimes known as lip protectors which are worth trying.


Scented lip balms combine oils of Melissa also referred to as lemon balm, and oils of manuka, also called New Zealand tee tree. Cold sores on the lips are soothed by this balm. Orange and coconut oils are healthy add-ins.

All Around

On the list of all-around lip balms, we can discover the wholesome goodness of sweet almond oil, palm oil, grapefruit oil, lime oil, and doses of vitamin E. These lip balms also become a breath freshener. Sometimes a preparation of peppermint leaf oil is added in to the formula.

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